Posts Tagged ‘mario sanchez’

key west art museum

Wednesday, March 17th, 2010

Marios Sanchez  Morning Gossip

Exploring the island on the very first day of the trip we came across the Key West Museum of Art & History. The museum features some portraits of Key West’s famous people as well as work by some of their most well-known artists—my favorite being folk artist Mario Sanchez. Most of his pieces are reliefs carved into wood panels and then brightly colored to accurately reflect street scenes, places and people from Key West during the early 20th century. Sanchez’ work has a certain charm and honesty about it; seeing the culture and beauty of Key West through his eyes. These pictures do not do his work justice. See more of his pieces here.

Marios Sanchez  Taxi 96001440 copy

Top image: Morning Gossip, Bottom image: Taxi, via here.