Beautifully mysterious imagery for The Washington Ballet by Design Army. Those costumes and the styling are just fantastic. I’m pretty upset that I missed this ballet.
via rockpaperink / behind the scenes with design army here
Beautifully mysterious imagery for The Washington Ballet by Design Army. Those costumes and the styling are just fantastic. I’m pretty upset that I missed this ballet.
via rockpaperink / behind the scenes with design army here
Crafty Bastards Arts & Crafts Fair is tomorrow from 10–5 at the Marie Reed Learning Center at 18th & Wyoming in Adams Morgan. I will be volunteering at the Pyramid Atlantic booth 90 / 91 from 10–noon doing a letterpress demo. Some of my letterpress friends will be selling their awesome goods at booth 123, (and some of mine too!) Hope you all can stop by the fair and buy some crafty stuff!
Have a great weekend!
Hi all! Wow, it’s been a while since I’ve posted on this blog. I’ve been in crunch mode preparing for the DC craft show Handmade Mart which is this Sunday from 10-5 in downtown Silver Spring. I’ll be selling letterpress cards, some silkscreen prints, cake plates and button jewelry. Lots of new items will be premiering at this craft show! Please come check it out. And I promise I’ll be back next week with my regular posts.
Have a great weekend!
New work for a special event at Café Atlántico celebrating the cuisine of the nation of Colombia from May 10-15. More details here if you’re interested in attending.
For freelance inquiries please email me at
Derringer Friday is a duo of local independent designers creating rad ties and pocket squares in brightly-colored plaids, seersucker and madras. I absolutely love the combination of this last one pictured, the red cotton seersucka.
The Mt. Pleasant Temporium opens tonight from 7-9PM! The small storefront at 3068 Mt. Pleasant St. NW, will sell handmade crafts and wares by 30 artists. Events will continue throughout the next 24 days. Some of my favorite local crafters are featured there; knit outta the box, fire studio and bookish lady and I’m looking forward to seeing the work of artists new to me too! Get all the details for the pop up shop here.
Hope you all have a great holiday weekend. I’m looking forward to some nice weather!
image via TBD
Over the weekend me and my sister went apple picking in Northern Virginia. Since then we’ve been busy baking three apple pies, two apple crisps, apple bread and apple muffins. AND we still have apples left. We couldn’t believe that all the apples were only $8! Don’t worry we aren’t going to eat all of these baked goodies by ourselves, most of them will be frozen to take home for Thanksgiving.
We also stopped at a farm stand and picked out some pumpkins for carving once it gets closer to Halloween.
RAR RAR press has been one of the vendors I always look forward to every year at Crafty Bastards. She creates really bold (to say the least) letterpress postcards and posters.
The handmade leather accessories from Eve VanDalsen were absolutely stunning!
Power + Light Press had gorgeous and clever letterpress goodies.
My favorite vendor this year was Peg and Awl. They really designed every inch of their booth to suit their items made from reclaimed materials; book necklaces, bookends, picture frames, candle holders, etc. Great stuff.
An awesome Crafty Bastards…hopefully next year I’ll be amongst these guys with my very own booth!
Overall it was a great Crafty Bastards this year. I felt like there were a lot of new vendors and a wide variety of products in comparison to the past couple years. I walked away with quite a few goodies, mostly gifts but a couple things for myself. Over the next couple of days I’m going to do a recap of my favorite vendors.
Fuzzy Ink was the first booth to catch my eye at the show. I know some people are already sick of mustaches but not me. They offered a wide range of tshirts with very original mustache illustrations and some plush mustaches as well. Check out their online shop.
Illustrators Jen Skelley (top image) and Nate Duval (second image) really caught my eye with their booth full of beautiful and unique prints. I was very close to purchasing a print from them, but couldn’t decide on one!
Tugboat Printshop‘s woodblock prints blew my mind. The illustrations were gorgeous and super detailed. I’m in awe of their wood carving skills. See details of their process here.
Ok, that’s all for today. I’ll share the rest of my favorite vendors tomorrow.
In their words: The D.C. | Baltimore Egotist is the brand-spankin’ new place to celebrate great creative from local agencies, artists, and thinkers. It’s like the internet’s throwing a party for you – only there’s no cake and no one’s going to puke behind your couch.
It’s a great design resource and frankly DC is definitely lacking in design resources if you ask me. Reasons you should check it out; it has a job board, you can showcase your portfolio, find local talent, show off creative and get daily inspiration.