My good friend and fellow art director Christian Williams will be running the Boston Marathon on April 16 for the Dana-Farber Marathon Challenge (DFMC). I’ve known Christian for about 6+ years and therefore I know this is a HUGE challenge for him, (he practically hates running.) BUT I also know that he is very determined, which means he will succeed even if he’s crawling across the finish line. Using his art director skills he created a great little campaign/site for his journey. And he’s challenging all of us to donate at least five dollars. “Five dollars. It’s not a lot to part with. We spend almost that much a day on coffee. Five dollars may not seem like a lot. But, if enough people contribute…five dollars will add up quickly. In addition to knowing that you’ve contributed to one of the nations leading cancer institutes I’ll also go ahead and send you one of the buttons shown below. Please do you part and spread the word. Together We Can.”
Please donate if you can and spread the word because every bit helps. For more information about the marathon and Christian’s running journey check out his site Make My Feet Go.
Donate here.
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