Endless type inspiration at typeverything. I already tweeted about this earlier this week, but it’s worth posting here too.
found via pinterest
Endless type inspiration at typeverything. I already tweeted about this earlier this week, but it’s worth posting here too.
found via pinterest
Carolyn Sewell is a fabulous DC designer and illustrator. She has a two great series of postcards with hand drawn type; one set for her parents and one for her peeps. I’d feel so honored to receive one of her cards in the mail…hint hint. Here are some of my favorites:
And some of her awesome design work:
View more of her work here: portfolio // postcards to my parents // flickr
Wordmarks from predigital lettering are recreated and available for download on the “the” project courtesy of Robb Ogle. Two of my favorites above.
Fonts in use is a great design resource that pretty much does exactly what the title says; it reveals the typefaces that are used in a variety of real world layouts.
What a beautiful and unique letterpressed wedding invitation. Every detail meshes perfectly with the set. But you wouldn’t expect any less from the two graphic designers that make up The Hungry Workshop. Get all the printing details and more pictures here.
via FPO
Beautiful, beautiful videos for EF Language Schools. I can’t get over how beautiful the typography is!
Directed by Gustav Johansson / D.P: Niklas Johansson, fsf / Typography: Albin Holmqvist / Music: Magnus Lidehäll / Produced at Camp David
via seesaw
I just bought this Home Sweet Home print by Seb Lester on Keep Calm Gallery. Let’s just say it was an early Christmas present to myself. I had a hard time deciding between the Home Sweet Home print and the Stars print below, but I ended up deciding on the Home Sweet Home print because of its unique color changing paper, (see the video of its magic-ness here.) Keep Calm Gallery has a great selection of prints, tea towels and other great designed pieces that make great gifts. And definitely check out Seb Lester’s website—he’s a typography genius.
The Movie Title Stills Collections is a collection of screenshots of movie titles from feature films over the years—a fabulous resource for type inspiration. And while we are on the movie titles subject, another one of my favorites websites/resources is Art of the Title Sequence, which displays videos and stills of title design from tv and film. Literally hours of inspiration.